
When creating a visual identity for Picnic, we wanted to evoke the spontaneity and playfulness that Picnic will provide to its users. Much of the facility will be located outdoors, providing a picnic feel. During the design of the visual identity, we saw the biggest advantage in the name Picnic, and that is that it contains several of the same letters, more precisely the letters “I” and “C” are repeated. By separating the name into a new line, we achieve easier merging of the above letters. With this combination, we also achieve smiley emojis, ie a pictogram of a smile that we can clearly see by rotating 90 °. It can be...

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The main focus was on showing the diversity of gastronomy in general, including gastronomy of Zadar through a color system that contains 5 primary colors and their toning. The logo is based on a combination of wine and food, where we created a combination of a fork and a bottle of wine in movement. The display of toning is designed so that it is implemented in the title parts of promotional materials, and that each color represents its own category. Accordingly, blue would represent seafood, green vegetable, yellow cheese food, and red would represent wine/meat which alludes to the diversity of each of the categories. The fork/bottle in the movement...

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We didn’t have an easy task of rebranding, where the main goal was to set a new brand strategy where we would further emphasize the communication to the outside, ie to the target group. The focus was on food delivery. The logo is based on the pictogram of the location which presents the delivery and has the shape of a pizza cut. The two colors at the top of the sign represent a variety of food. To make the visual easily memorable not only for the adult group, but also for the children, we have included a mascot that appears everywhere as an accompanying element in the visual.

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