alcoholic drinks, branding, digital communication, entertainment/leisure/culture, food, illustration, non-alcoholic drinks, outdoor, Picnic, restaurants/bars, sweet food/snacks, typography
When creating a visual identity for Picnic, we wanted to evoke the spontaneity and playfulness that Picnic will provide to its users. Much of the facility will be located outdoors, providing a picnic feel. During the design of the visual identity, we saw the biggest advantage in the name Picnic, and that is that it contains several of the same letters, more precisely the letters “I” and “C” are repeated. By separating the name into a new line, we achieve easier merging of the above letters. With this combination, we also achieve smiley emojis, ie a pictogram of a smile that we can clearly see by rotating 90 °. It can be...
Continue reading this projectGušti Catering
alcoholic drinks, branding, food, Gušti Catering, illustration, non-alcoholic drinks, restaurants/bars, sweet food/snacks
The strategic goal was the design of a contemporary identity and the primary goal was to develop communication and its values in a simple way. With serif typography we create a more serious tone of the company and present it as an elegant organization, and the company name itself contains the letters “C” and “G” which are very similar in form, thus creating an idea behind the sign that will represent the company’s initials. Linearly illustrated hand movements communicate basing on every detail.
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